• info@tillingdownhouse.co.uk

Registration No : 13333662

  • Registration No : 13333662


Accommodation is centrally located for public transport and amenities and service users are supported to understand and meet the terms of the tenancy arrangements. We have a 24hr staffing presence (either waking or sleep in night staff) and support will consist of tailored 1:1 or shared staff ratios to enable maximum independence to access education/leisure and social activities in the area. There are no restrictions on how staffing support is tailored; our current support packages range from 30 hrs per week to 150 hrs per week. These options usually work well for people that would benefit from a constant staffing presence and have more complex support needs.

tillingdown house

Service Users

Person-centred planning
Because everyone is different, we recognise that every service must be unique. We use person-centred approaches to help people identify and get the support they really want and need. In practice most of our day-to-day support is derived from goals people set in one-to-one keyworker meetings or ‘circle of support’ group meetings.

Our young people have IT support tools for communication, feedback and improving social outcomes , tracking progression, support needs and allow for meaningful feedback.

User involvement group sessions.
We have regular group sessions that are wide-ranging, with discussions ranging from planning of services, policies and procedures, recruitment and staff training. Our wish is for service users to be involved in the organisations practice and improvement, through feedback as this is key to our success for the people we support.

Employment/Education Engagement

We encourage the people we support to engage in work and education activities. We have grown extensive links with the local business community and offer a support package in this area.
We access enterprise apprenticeships, mentoring, working experience and access to employment packages.

We are a family Organisation with a team of passionate individuals, with a wish to create a fun , homely and supportive environment for the people in our care