• info@tillingdownhouse.co.uk

Registration No : 13333662

  • Registration No : 13333662

Our Holistic and therapy-based approaches

Tillingdown House strives to encourage and work with our young people to seek meaningful life skills and potential employment opportunities.

We include and offer life coaching, confidence building and access to work experience if requested.

The therapeutic approaches, we offer support in this area from our Therapy dog Monty to our more focused support.

We approach our support for our young adults diversely, offering restorative support and holistic therapies that are able to be incorporated in the personalised and holistic care packages.

We offer services for the whole person.

Meet our friendly and calm therapy dog. Another bonus for the people we support…

Care Planning

This will be a meaningful document that is reviewed and updated regularly.

Safer Recruitment

We will source and select appropriate experienced care staff to launch and maintain the service and support to an exceptional standard.

Policies and Procedures

Bespoke policies and operational procedures.

Consultation with the people we support

Group work and 1-1 sessions

Risk Assessments

Extensive and person centre risk assessments.

Staff Training

To deliver a quality training service whilst meeting Care Standards expectations.


Regular staff support, monthly and ad hock supervision, team meetings and appraisals.


Admission, referrals and milestone assessment.

Family Liaison

Support groups, consultation and evaluation assessments.

Behaviour support Consultancy

Bespoke consultations, staff training for person specific needs.

Audit s /Quality control- Ensuring

Service ready for CQC, audits and mock inspections

View of the ideal first Supported Living Service and tenants.

Client Group
  • Mild to Moderate Learning disabilities.
  • Age group of 18-35.
  • No complex health needs.
Staffing Ratios/Staffing structure.
  • 5 Bed
  • 1 Sleep in
  • 4 staff- 2 earlies and 2 late’s if no day care.
  • Shift leader
  • Support workers
  • On call senior.
  • Parking for at least 2-3 cars or on street space for similar.
  • On suite rooms?
  • Communal lounge /dinning area.
  • Office/sleep in room.
  • Garden.
  • In a built up area or strong transport links.
  • Security safe.
  • Strong WIFI.
  • Fire regs expectations.

Service offerings


Involvement from the people we support around furnishing, colour and decorative choice.

Further Education support.

To aid access further learning and if appropriate formal education qualifications.

Life skill development

Teaching and monitoring personal growth around key life skills.

Enabling self-advocacy

Support groups, finding each person’s voice, building resilience and self-esteem.

Medication management/first aid

To ensure compliance in this area, that individuals we support are as self-managing as is safe to do so.

Promoting healthy living.

To support gym, assess and recreational sports, advocating healthy eating choices, menu (planning) and cooking support.

Employment support

To assess meaningful employment opportunities, work ready support and aiming for some financial independence through employment.

Supportive peer environment

Developing and encouraging friendships, hosting house meetings, arranging trips and creating mentoring systems. Encouraging house members to share experiences such as personal festivals and celebrations.

Money management and budgeting

To allow the people we support to be as self-managing in this area as capability allows. Ensuring value for money and expenditure is supported but not control. (controlled)

Mediation and advocacy

Ensuring that the people we support have an advocate in place to support them when needed, either within the service, or reaching out to other appropriate professionals depending on need. Supporting also with conflict resolution where required.

Person Centre priority

Making sure choice, control, being heard and active support is at the centre of all we do.
To have meaningful outcomes to work towards greater independent living by goal setting.
To set outcomes that allow individuals to reach their full potential and to be as independent as possible.

Our Gallery

Developing and encouraging friendships, hosting house meetings, arranging trips and creating mentoring systems. Furthermore, encouraging the people we support to share experiences such as personal festivals and celebrations.